Food for Thought

You who in heart long for something better than this world can give, recognize this longing as the voice of God to your soul. - Steps to Christ

More than a Job

More than a Job

I remember walking with my mother one day and running into a church member who was in graduate school.  My mom went on to ask this individual why he chose his occupation.  His answer was simple, "it was the typical thing to do."  I thought to myself, bruhhh, you have to want it a little more than just that.   

I feel very often we don't realize the significance of the calling that we're getting ourselves into.  Me being an undergraduate student, I'm often tempted to think, "Yo Josh, make it to and through PT school, and life will be good."   However, if that's the reason why I'm studying physical therapy, than I've forgotten the whole point of my calling.  Let's look at some pointers about God's calling for us and its significance.

1) Ministry is whatever lies nearest to you

1 Kings 19:19

A man may be in the active service of God while engaged in the ordinary, everyday duties—while felling trees, clearing the ground, or following the plow - Prophets and King's

When Elijah ran into Elisha, Elisha was on the farm plowing.  That may not seem very significant, but at that moment that was what God called him to do. So get this, although Elijah was not ministering, preaching, or directly saving souls, farming was the ministry that God called him to do at that very moment.  

It's kind of funny, but I think I can somewhat relate to Elisha.  My freshman year at Weimar, I decided to work on the farm.  It was pretty challenging, especially since I'm a city boy from Southern California who barely knew how to pluck weeds.  There were days that I totally wished I was in my dorm with the heater on, rather than washing out radishes and rainbow chard in ice cold water.  However, I really learned about God and life through it.  But there were days where I would think to myself, "God, what am I doing here to serve you at Weimar."  Now I realize that my ministry and job in that moment was simply to pick vegetables and package them with a happy heart.  

Whatever lies nearest to your hands, make sure to do it wholeheartedly. Because at this moment, the responsibilities you have today is part of the ministry God has called you to do.  If you work in the office, than bring a smile in there and answer every phone call with the love of Christ in every word you say.  If you're running custodial for the semester, clean out every room just as Jesus wants to cleanse your heart.  Find what lies nearest, and give it everything you got folks.

2) Your Occupation is a Soul Winner


Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost Matthew 28:19

 I know that verse above can be kind of mainstream, but it tells us everything we need to know about ministry.  We have this tendency to read it and assume that this appeal applies only to the pastors and evangelists that do direct ministry, but it actually applies just as much to us.  I listened to an awesome sermon by Sebastien Braxton entitled "Doctor Who?"  Sebastien made a good point about ministry and medical missionary work.  If you as a doctor are getting people in your practice and sending them out, but are not attempting to heal them physically, spiritually, mentally, through the health message, then you classify as a doctor, but not a true Adventist doctor.  

I'm sure that could've stepped on some toes, but in the end of the day, there should be a difference in the way we serve others compared to how the world serves others.  Yes we want to be timely and efficient, but we also want to show people the love that Christ has for them.  You may not necessarily be preaching and baptizing people in your office, but ask yourself, how can I represent Christ to the ones I am serving today.  

3) Service Today Leads to No Regrets For Tomorrow

I remember talking with my friend James Wilson (Dear James, if you somehow read this I just want to say I appreciate you!) about his plans for studying medicine.  I asked him "Yo James, if Christ came before you finished medical school, how would you feel?"  His answer was simple yet profound.  He said "If Jesus came before I finished medical school, I would be content because I know I have done everything in my ability to serve others while I'm studying medicine."  Please tell me you got spiritual heart burn after that one.  Service starting today, leads to no regrets for tomorrow.  Blessup folks  

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