Food for Thought

You who in heart long for something better than this world can give, recognize this longing as the voice of God to your soul. - Steps to Christ

the Blessing of Weakness

the Blessing of Weakness

I've come to a better realization that I am incapable of doing many things.  So it's safe to say that I am weak in different aspects of my life.  As I was trying to accept this fact, I found myself wrestling with it and trying to console myself with my own strength, which only magnified my weaknesses that much more.  However, I finally realized that it is through these weaknesses of mine, that I am better able to experience God's love.

1) Our Inabilities Allow us to Experience God's Love

My grandparents from my mother's side live close by in southern California.  I have much respect and love for these two because they raised me and inspired me to be the individual that I am today.  They're also a pretty happy couple, but I notice that there are moments in which their smiles are bigger than normal.  One of these moments happens to be when my brothers and I take my grandparents out to run errands.  As I thought about it, it started to make sense.  They're getting old and frail.  They don't have the ability to drive around town or walk around the neighborhood like they did many years ago.  In fact they don't even have the ability to speak with the cashier because of the language barrier.  However, when my brothers and I are taking them out to town, doing the driving and speaking for them, they experience love because we are interceding in behalf of their weakness.

2) A Love that Angels Don't Understand

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. John 15:13

Because of our weaknesses and this plague of sin, humanity is able to experience the greatest degree of love!  Do you realize that angels will never understand what grace is, because they are sinless beings who don't have weaknesses.  But we as humans experience the love of God differently because we need Jesus' grace on the daily.  

I'm not saying that you should boast in your sins and your weaknesses, but through them, look for a revelation of God's love and mercies.  I have felt incapable of bearing the load of school, ministry, SA, and deaning lately.  However, as I thought more about it, God has been trying to show me that I really can't do it on my own.  I'm called to study and work to the best of my abilities, but I can rest assured that Jesus' grace is sufficient to cover for the times I feel like I'm falling short.  His will for my life is not necessarily a 4.0 but just to commit my mind and time to Him, and rest in his love.

His love displayed in your weakness:

Your fear of Public Speaking- God's willingness to speak through you. ( Exodus 4:12)

Your fear of being unworthy- God bought you with the blood of Jesus. (1 Peter 1:18-19)

Your loneliness - Jesus is a friend closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)

Your inability to get an A in a class you studied hours for! - In your inability, your strength is made perfect through Him, just stay faithful. ( 2 Corinthians 12:9)

we always experience love most in the places where grace is most needed. - Jon Bloom



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