Food for Thought

You who in heart long for something better than this world can give, recognize this longing as the voice of God to your soul. - Steps to Christ

Forgetting Your First Love

Forgetting Your First Love

It's ironic that I can find myself pretty excited about all the ministry and opportunities the Lord is using me to serve Him, yet I don't find myself excited when it comes to my personal time with Him.  There is a danger when we find ourselves so busy with ministry, yet we forget the God who ministry is all about.

1) Be Found at His Feet

 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” 41 And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:39-42

How often are we like Martha!  We're doing everything we can to prepare the way for Jesus, but Jesus really wants us to just stop and be at his feet for a little while.  Please understand that there is a need for Marthas in the ministry.  We need individuals who are planning events, cooking food, preaching to the crowds, but much more than any of those ministries, Jesus needs a minister who will be found at His feet.  First be found at Jesus feet for a while, and then you will have the strength to go and do the ministry for that day.  

The only time ministry becomes dangerous is when you are so busy doing it that you forget who it's all about.  Back in Loma Linda, our ministry ran a lot of Bible studies, revivals, and many other things.  I still recall a time in which I was attempting to do all this ministry yet I realized that deep in my heart I lacked a personal walk with Jesus and I started to feel burnt out. You can only give what you have, thus if you don't have Jesus, you really don't have much to offer, because what people really need is the Jesus that you know.  I then made a covenant to spend some more sincere time searching the scriptures in the morning.  Not only did the ministry opportunities get better, but there was also a greater joy found in service. 

2)  Be There for a While

I realize that we may be at Jesus' feet but we often leave before the Lord is done speaking.  A little while back I was babysitting my cousin Adeline (Here's a pic, excuse the cuteness overload, she's the bigger one) and I realized that it can be quite a battle to get her to relax and calm down.  Honestly if I let her do whatever she wants to do, she'll jump off the wall and throw things at me.  However, I remember getting out one of those Bible story books and telling her to sit on my lap as I read to her.  I still recall her starstruck as we looked and discussed the pictures of Jesus page by page.  For the first time, she was calm and refused to go until I was done reading.  

 Imagine being at Jesus feet and as He is speaking to you,  you then decide to get up and just leave.  Man, that's pretty rude.  However, I find myself doing that here and there.  Take time to sit down and stay down until the Lord is finished speaking to you.  I'm sure you got essays and papers that need to get done, but the Lord longs to pour out his blessing to you, if you but listen for a little while.  Mary spent time at Jesus' feet and Jesus said that she has chosen the good part.  Make sure to choose the good part every morning!


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