How Bad Do You Want It?
I was shadowing a physical therapist this week and not only did I learn a lot about the occupation, but I was also inspired throughout this experience. Physical therapy is not always the most pleasant experience for those that are going through it. The reason being is that no physical therapist will know the exact pain the client is going through. So occasionally a client would fuss and cuss, but the PT would simply answer, "Do you want to walk again?" or "You should be walking by now." If I were to simplify that into my own words it would sound like this, "How bad do you want it?"
1) Search for God with all your Heart
And You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13
This is a verse we have probably heard plenty of times, but if you really think about it, we don't apply it as much as we should. Very often we complain to ourselves that we don't experience God and that He is not as real as others say He is. But the truth is you probably won't get much from a five minute devotional and three prayers throughout the day. How bad do you want it?
I recall hearing testimonies of individuals who were so eager to learn about the Bible that they would be spending hours a day to better comprehend it, and in the end of the day, they had an experience that we often don't have. It's obviously hard to squeeze in hours of Bible study into your busy college life, but look at your schedule and see where I can squeeze some sincere Bible reading time in there.
2) Leave the Closet When Your Strength is Renewed
Ellen White quotes in Messages to Young People:
I saw how this grace could be obtained. Go to your closet, and there alone plead with God: "Create in me a clean heart, O God... Agonize, Jesus in the garden sweat great drops of blood; you must make an effort. Do not leave your closet until you feel strong in God; then watch, and just as long as you watch and pray you can keep these evil basements under, and the grace of God can and will appear in you.
I know this was a longer quote, but it's interesting how she mentioned to go in your closet and plead until you feel strong in God. Please understand this, I'm not insisting that you pray in your closet, because my closet isn't that big. It is emphasizing the fact that this relationship with God and getting to know him, is a personal thing, which takes personal one on one time. Nobody can give you this experience, you have to seek it for yourself. As you seek Him, don't leave your time of searching until you find strength from Him.
Storytime with Josh:
A little while back there was a young man who told a pastor that he wanted to experience Christ. So the pastor told the young man to meet him at the river the next day. So they were there and he told the young man to jump in the river with him. So once again the pastor asked him "do you really want to know who God is?" The young man answered, "Yes sir!" So the pastor dunked him in the water just as if he was baptizing him, and pulled him out as this boy was holding on to his last breath of air. He asked him once again "Are you sure you want to know who God is?" The young man told the pastor he'll do anything to know who God is. The pastor repeated the process twice and as he took the boy out it was apparent that he was getting pale from a lack of oxygen. So one last time he asked the boy, "Do you still want to know who God is?" The boy replied "Yes pastor, I want him that bad." The pastor then replied, "When you want God as if He is your last breath, then will you find Him."
How Bad Do You Want It?