Food for Thought

You who in heart long for something better than this world can give, recognize this longing as the voice of God to your soul. - Steps to Christ

Does Sacrifice Exist?

Does Sacrifice Exist?


When we look into the Christian walk, is there such thing as sacrifice?  I'm not talking about the sacrifice of a lamb in the Old Testament, I'm talking about the sacrifice of your desires in order to experience God's.  Too one, sacrifice may look like letting go of a certain individual, career, or way of life. But is there really such a thing as sacrifice in the Christian walk?  As I thought about it some more, Christianity and sacrifice seem rather oxymoronic to me.

As I looked at the dictionary, one of the definitions of sacrifice is to accept a disadvantage for the sake of something else.  But in reality since when is there a disadvantage in the Christian walk.  We say that part of Christianity is being willing to sacrifice things in your life that you enjoy.  But in reality, there is only gain in letting go.  You're not losing anything by letting go of drugs, you're gaining a life of clarity and self control.  You're not losing anything by letting go of a lavish lifestyle, you're gaining a life of gratitude in simplicity.  You are not losing anything by letting go of pride, you're gaining a life of humility and thankfulness.  The list goes on and on.

Auntie Ellen words it as following:

But what do we give up, when we give all? A sin-polluted heart, for Jesus to purify, to cleanse by His own blood, and to save by His matchless love. And yet men think it hard to give up all! I am ashamed to hear it spoken of, ashamed to write it - Steps to Christ

It's ironic, that we call sanctification a sacrifice.  God is like, I want to remake you to reflect my image yet you call it a burden?  It really isn't.  We're giving up the garbage and defilement in our lives in order to have a life more abundant.

I remember I have heard many times, people telling me that they were not willing to give up a year or a summer in order to serve God.  But take a look at the life of Abraham.  If it was anyone that we can say was potentially making a big sacrifice, it would had to have been Abraham.  He was rich and had his life perfectly set back home, yet God was calling him to a place that he didn't even know.  But Ellen White writes:

God has spoken, and His servant must obey; the happiest place on earth for him was the place where God would have him to be.  - Patriarchs and Prophets

In the end of the day we all want to be happy.  However, happiness is found when you are where God wants you to be.  You're not losing anything, but gaining the happiness that comes from following the will of God.

I come to realize that as I took this year for missions, people may think that it was a sacrifice in order to give God a year of my time.  But since when was dedicating a full year of service to God a sacrifice in my behalf.  It is only gain beyond comprehension.  It has only made me become a better person in Christ.  The only one that really made a sacrifice was Jesus.  He was willing to risk and give eternal life away, in order that we may be with Him.  But this sacrifice was made without hesitation.  So, if you think it might be too much for you to give up a certain aspect of your life, remember that there is complete gain in loss, when it comes to Christ.  Since when was it a sacrifice to give up yourself, in order to gain the image of Jesus in you.  

Where is Your Mother?

Where is Your Mother?

It's okay when you're not okay

It's okay when you're not okay