Food for Thought

You who in heart long for something better than this world can give, recognize this longing as the voice of God to your soul. - Steps to Christ

Have You Forgotten?

Have You Forgotten?

It was midterm week and I haven't been this stressed in a long time.  As I was listening to a lecture in developmental psychology class, I found it ironic that I would probably need some psychological help with all this stress.  However, for some reason I was impressed to look at the photos saved in my laptop (forgive me Dr. Jorge, promise I won't do it again), then I ran into this.

It seemed like hundreds of emotions and memories flooded my mind.  I realized that a summer ago I was ministering and being ministered to, however, now I am in a psychology class stressing about a physics test I'm taking the next day.  

If I can summarize what I got out of that moment, I can imagine the kids telling me, "Josh, don't forget."  Forget what, you may ask?  Forget the fact that this is the whole reason why you are in school.  

“Let every man abide in the calling wherein he is called and his work will be as sacred as the work of the ministry. It is not what a man does that determines whether his work is sacred or secular, it is why he does it.” 
― A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God

This photo reminded me to ask myself, "Josh, why are you studying physical therapy?"  It's more then just to be able to live comfortably, it's in order to put the gospel and medical work together.

Don't forget your calling (It's more than just studying books)

Then, to top it off, I ran into this:

 This is a photo of my brother and the locals from the village my grandparents lived in.  It was amazing because those two individuals sitting next to Andrew were talking to us about the experiences they had with my grandparents.  They reminisced about the church my grandfather started, the school my grandmother taught in, as well as many other things.  

To build off of that last point, here's the final pic to give you some context to the story.

This picture rebuked me pretty hard.  I realize that my grandfather and the fam (notice my mom being the only child with sandals) really had nothing, compared to what I have today.  However, I still remember my grandfather telling my family during Thanksgiving break, that it is pointless to have everything, yet not know Christ as your personal savior.  Imagine that  coming from a man that knows what it is like to have nothing, as well as what it is like to be able to live in comfort because his kids made it out of the struggle.  Whether my grandparents have nothing or are fully taken care of, one thing is constant, and that is their relationship with Jesus.  

The appeal is simple folks, Don't forget what really matters in life. As important as your degree and success may seem to you and your family, a personal walk with Jesus is infinitely important, compared to those other things.  


BTW, if these devotionals have been a blessing, please feel free to subscribe to get them emailed to you every time a new devotional is published.  Blessings!




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