Food for Thought

You who in heart long for something better than this world can give, recognize this longing as the voice of God to your soul. - Steps to Christ

Easy is Overrated

Easy is Overrated

Looking back at my years being in Weimar, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that this year would have to be my most difficult year.  The reason being is that I'm taking a good number of science classes, working part time as an assistant dean, going to Sacramento once a month to do ministry, working as a mens spiritual advisor for SA, visiting Bible study contacts every week, and the list goes on.  However, I also find myself enjoying this year so much more than any other year even though I've never been spread out so thin.  I came to this conclusion...... do hard things, because easy is overrated.


1) Since when Does God call you to do easy things? 

Remember that in whatever position you may serve, you are revealing motive, developing character. Whatever your work, do it with exactness, with diligence; overcome the inclination to seek an easy task. - Colporteur Ministry

I don't know about you, but the fact that Auntie Ellen writes that we as humans have an inclination to do easy things, really rebuked me.  Be real with yourself, when does God say, "hey my child, I have a task for you, it won't be too difficult, you won't break a sweat."  Naaaugh, God often calls us to do difficult things, however, when we're working with Him, it is more than possible.  The only issue is that the flesh doesn't want to work hard or get its hands dirty, but the decision is up to you.  Do Hard Things!


2)  Leave the Jars Open  

So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out. 6 Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.” And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased. 2 Kings 4: 5-6

To give you a little bit of context, Elijah runs into a widow whose husband is dead.  This family also has nothing but a jar of oil and the lady here needs to pay the debt collector, and if she doesn't her sons will be sold as slaves.  Elijah tells her to get that jar of oil in her house and look around the whole neighborhood for empty jars (there's a reason for this).  Once she gets the empty jars, she pours out the oil and the oil keeps flowing until there are no more jars.  So what?  Check what Auntie Ellen writes, "

The supply ceased only when no more vessels were brought to receive it. So it will be now. So long as we let the gifts of God flow into channels of good, the Lord will supply the flow.  -Reflecting Christ

God is wanting to do awesome things for us, but the question is this, where are the jars?  Why must we limit God to simple and easy things?  If we are willing to go on a limb for the Lord and put our empty jars out, He is more then willing to supply the flow.  Be willing to make yourself willing (empty jars) and he'll pour out the flow (Blessings/spirit).

3)  Hard Things Make Life Worth It

I'm starting to realize  that though this year has been the craziest year in terms of things to do, I wouldn't change it for the world.  The reason being is that the hard things make life worth it and enjoyable.  There's no greater joy than waking up 12 boys in the dorm, going to Rancho Cordova church to do some ministry, working with students through SA, and the list goes on.  Be willing to lay out the empty jars and let God fill it, because it makes life an adventure.

Do Hard Things
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Have You Forgotten?

A Hate that God Approves

A Hate that God Approves