Food for Thought

You who in heart long for something better than this world can give, recognize this longing as the voice of God to your soul. - Steps to Christ

How Far Do You See?

How Far Do You See?

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision. - Helen Keller

Please tell me that quote gave you spiritual heart burn!  This quote refers to us often in life.  We may have 20/20 vision, but in reality we are blind or near-sighted.  The things that God has planned for us are much further then we can see, so folks, it's time to get a new pair of glasses.  


1) Gather many vessels

So in 2 Kings 4, it tells the story of Elisha when he meets a widow with two sons. This widow happens to be broke as a joke that ain't even funny (That joke was dedicated to my former dean, Nick Massey, miss you a bunch, bro.)  She basically has a jar of oil to her name, and somehow she has to pay the debt collector or her two boys would be the payment.  Notice the response of Elisha.

 Then he said, “Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors—empty vessels; do not gather just a few.  2 Kings 4:3

Elisha tells her to gather many vessels.  Why is that so?

2) Where are the open vessels?

The widow then continues to get the oil and starts pouring it into these empty vessels that have been gathered.  Notice what happens.

5 So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out. 6 Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.” And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased. 2 Kings 4:4-6

As she is pouring the oil, it doesn't run out!  The only time it runs out is when there are no more empty vessels.  


3) How Can I Apply this story to my life and ministry?  

I'm glad you asked.  How often do we find ourselves asking God why our ministries aren't very fruitful?  These two points are just a few of the many reasons. I believe these vessels that are mentioned in this stories can represent opportunities that are given to God. 

*1) Gather many vessels for God is about to make it rain

God is waiting to pour out his blessings into the jars you put out for him!  But the issue is simple, where are the jars?  We cannot expect God to pour out his blessings if we aren't willing to put out jars to catch them.    

Sometimes I find myself reminiscing about my high school days at Loma Linda; especially Bible Studies and morning devotional groups that happened throughout my senior year.  I was honestly pretty scared about starting them because I felt unqualified to run such a group.  But, by God's grace, I went out in faith and started it with some friends.  I remember how much of a struggle it was the first semester, but by the second semester, the Bible study group had around 30 people coming every Thursday!  I look at that Bible study group and morning devotional group as the empty vessels.  I told God that I'll do it for Him, and He came through and blessed it.  Be willing to go out on a limb for the Lord, and He will be willing to come through for you, if it is His will.  

*2) Don't stop gathering

The supply ceased only when no more vessels were brought to receive it. So it will be now. So long as we let the gifts of God flow into channels of good, the Lord will supply the flow. Reflecting Christ 269.4

God is going to supply the flow!  The only thing that stops the flow is when we don't leave any more vessels for the Lord to fill.  So leave out the vessels and look everywhere for them.  Notice how in the story, Elisha said to get vessels from everywhere.  You name it, your neighbor, your boss, your friends dog, just get some more vessels.  We should be looking for empty vessels everywhere we go and God will supply the flow.  Imagine the Lord looking down at us, longing to pour out his blessings, but we decide that two vessels are enough.  Shoot, we better start looking for more vessels folks!  


 1) Put out the vessels so God can pour out his blessings

2) He will only stop pouring when there is no open vessel

3) Blessup



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